Tuesday, August 21, 2012

AS.architecture-studio: novancia business school

'novancia business school' by AS.archtiecture-studio, paris, france
image ? georges fessy
all images courtesy of AS.architecture-studio

french firm AS.architecture-studio has renovated and extended the original 1908 'novancia business school' in paris. in keeping with the
deeply rooted style of the existing architecture, the vernacular of the original building - brickwork, cornices and mosaics - was kept
entirely intact while a contemporary addition gives a new face to the university. where a rough wall of masonry once faced the street,
a new fa?ade made of 4102 thin rectangular rotating glass shutters with a red to yellow gradient respond to the colors of the old structure
as well as the bourdelle museum. the electrically powered panels possess an opaque nature from a distance but prove to be transparent up close,
and are constantly revolving to optimize interior temperature greatly reduce glare and solar gain.

?the footprint of the building is a result of several local setback regulations creating an irregular form on an oblong site. the new structure
wraps around the extremity of the plot and back around to the old, creating a massive atrium, which apart from giving an obvious
view of the two styles of construction creates a dynamic hub for vertical and horizontal circulation. sustainable ETFE panels control
thermal comfort while allowing soft indirect light to illuminate the inside and all the classrooms and offices that have inward facing windows.
three amphitheaters, a 260/seat auditorium, a resource center, recording studio and caf? are included in the program, all complying to
the new accessibility laws recently passed in france.

at the intersection of bourdelle and armand moisont streets
image ? gaston bergeret

approach to site
image ? georges fessy

street-side facade
image ? georges fessy

connection with the old building
images ? georges fessy

gradient transition from red to yellow
image ? AS.architecture-studio

contrast of old and new, light reflects from the new structure onto surrounding buildings
image ? AS.architecture-studio

yellow louvers open and close to reveal views or invite sunlight
images ? georges fessy

red glass panels on the curves wall
image ? takuji shimmura

image ? georges fessy

central atrium
image ? georges fessy

circulation into atrium showing the separation of existing structure and new addition
images ? georges fessy

floor plan / level 0

floor plan / level 1

floor plan / level 3

floor plan / level 4

floor plan / level 6

roof plan




ETFE inflatable roof detail

glass louver connection detail

Source: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/23124/asarchitecture-studio-novancia-business-school.html

xavier joan crawford joan crawford john goodman kendall marshall whitney houston news sylvia plath

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