Posted by Heidi Vriesman | 2 comments
I enjoy a good homeschooling book to rejuvenate and refresh me in this educational journey that we?ve chosen for our children.? Below is a list of my top 11 favorite homeschool books organized loosely by topic.? The first 10 are the books that I continue to recommend if someone asks.? The last one is a book that I?m currently reading, but am finding it to be essential to a more complete understanding of God?s hand in the modern American homeschool movement.
Hope you can find some new reading material below!
?Homeschooling in Our House? Books
Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson ? (I was randomly searching for ideas to teach my two ? five year old class at church, when the Lord had me stumble upon a homeschooler?s blog.? I sent Heather an email asking about homeschooling, and she recommended this book to me.? I find it pretty cool that the Lord used her (and a number of other people) to guide me toward homeschooling more than 6 years ago.)
Want to see what homeschooling looked like in the Clarkson family?? This was the very first homeschooling book I ever read and my first glimpse into what life in a homeschool family could look like.? I was so intrigued after reading this book that I immediately began my quest to read as many books on homeschooling as I could.? I stopped counting and writing the books down after I?d read about 30.? I?m still on the lookout for more to read.? If you?d be so kind, leave me a comment and let me know your favorite(s)!
Home Sweet Home-School by Sue Makestaad ? I laughed and shook my head (yes) a lot with this one!? When I finished reading it, I emailed the author to let her know how much I appreciated her humorous account of what homeschooling looked like for their family.? She wrote back a nice ?thank you? email with some more encouragement in it just for me.? What a sweet lady!
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola ? What a wonderful picture of a Charlotte Mason homeschool!? ?I read this book two or three times and finally bought it at a used homeschool book fair.? It?s a great resource to have at my fingertips.? Karen walks you through her days while homeschooling her three children in the style of the late 1800?s educator, Charlotte Mason.? I?d love to be able to say that my kids have always had an education like the one portrayed in this book.? I?d also love to be able to say that I am always as patient, sweet tempered, and organized as Karen seems to be at all times.? The Lord has given me ample opportunity to continue ?working? on these positive traits. ?:-)
So You?re Thinking About Homeschooling (15 Families Show How You Can Do It) by Lisa Whelchel ? I find it interesting to read about the different ways each family tackles homeschooling.? This is why I like to read homeschooling blogs (and write one too!)
?How To? Homeschooling Books
Mary Pride?s Complete Guide to Homeschooling ? If you want a very large resource book with tons of great ideas for getting started in homeschooling, you?ll want to check this one out.
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell ? I remember really enjoying this book as I was thinking about starting homeschooling.? She gave some practical advice for raising children as well.
A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison ? This book lays out how to implement a CM education in your homeschool.? Charlotte Mason stresses gentle learning and organization.? She recommends having short periods of time dedicated to quite a few different subjects every school morning with each afternoon reserved for time in the outdoors and handicrafts.? This book is a great resource to have if you?re interested in the logistics of a CM education.
Encouragement for Moms
The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson ? WOW.? You have to read this book.? I found this book to be affirming and encouraging in my role as a mom.? It?s for all mothers, not just homeschool moms.? This is the same lady who wrote the very first book on my list.
Seasons of a Mother?s Heart by Sally Clarkson ? Can you tell that I like Sally?!? This book/Bible study is geared toward the homeschooling mom and is full of wisdom and encouragement.
Theory, ?Vision?, and History Books
For the Children?s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay? - This is one of those books that ?everyone? says you need to read if you?re going to homeschool.? Not sure I completely agree, but I did think it was a thought-provoking read.? Reading this book also opened my eyes to Susan?s mom, Edith Schaeffer?s books, L?Abri and What is a Family?, which I found to be incredibly intriguing.
Home School Heroes by Christopher Klicka- I am so thankful that Chris was able to publish this before he went to be with the Lord.? Reading about the court cases and persecution of homeschoolers in the 80?s and 90?s in America makes me realize just how blessed we are today.? I?m finding this book to be so beneficial in understanding how God protected and delivered the early homeschoolers through the legislative process. I pray that I never take our homeschooling freedoms for granted.? A huge ?THANK YOU? to our Lord, first of all, and to those lawyers and families who stood strong in those early years so we could openly homeschool today.
That?s my current top 11 list!? If you have some favorite homeschooling books, please leave a comment and let me know.? I?d love to get my hands on some new reading material!
Heidi Vriesman, a follower of the Good Shepherd, is a rather spontaneous wife to her detailed husband and mom to their 4 sweet children, ages 8 and under. She has a BA in Elementary Education and was fairly against homeschooling until the Lord worked on her heart. Now, after 3 years, she couldn?t imagine educating their children any other way. You can find her recounting their days in word and picture at She?d love for you to stop by and say, ?Hi!? ?
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